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Combat Rising Phone Theft: Exclusive 12 Months Free Insurance from UR

Combat Rising Phone Theft. Feeling powerless after your phone was stolen and the police don't seem to care?

You’re not alone.

Unfortunately, thousands of phone theft victims across the UK every year have no option but to take matters into their own hands to track down their stolen devices.

It's time for a smarter solution, and ur is here to provide it:

Coverage Details
Industry-First 12 Months Insurance Ultimate protection for your refurbished phone that you won't get anywhere else - covering theft, accidental damage, and more!
Accessory Cover £150 coverage for accessories such as chargers, protective cases, and headphones
Up to 2 Claims per Year Peace of mind knowing you're covered in the event your device is lost, stolen, or damaged.


Get certified refurbished phones from ur.co.uk with 12 months of free insurance for complete peace of mind.

Read on to learn more about phone theft and why our solution is the best way to protect your device. 

How Common Is Phone Theft in the UK?

Mobile phone theft is an increasingly common problem in the UK, with an estimated 325,000 individuals in England and Wales experiencing it in the year ending March 2020, according to The Crime Survey for England & Wales (CSEW)

Whether it's pickpockets on the train, robberies in dark alleys or burglaries at home, no one should suffer the hassle, expense, and grief of having their phone stolen. 

And it's not just about replacing lost items; many victims also worry about their personal data ending up in the wrong hands. 

Protecting yourself and your information from thieves is essential today, but being vigilant isn't always enough.

What Can Happen If Someone Steals Your Phone?

Someone stealing your phone could be a devastating experience – from potentially losing precious memories to worrying about all the data that is stored on there.

But before you panic, consider that most modern smartphones have phone-finding features and the ability to lock or even wipe your device remotely.

That’s not to mention all devices sold by UR.co.uk come with 12 months of free insurance for complete peace of mind!

What Do People Do With Stolen Phones?

Stolen phones present difficulties for their victims and a world of opportunity for those who steal them.

Those who commit the crime use their ill-gotten gains in various ways – from selling them to an unsuspecting buyer to taking advantage of outdated security measures.

Whatever the case, it's clear that stolen phones put their owners at risk of financial and personal harm.

As a result, understanding how to protect your phone should be a top priority. 

By activating security features such as Find My iPhone and Face ID, you can help keep your device as secure as possible in the event your device ends up in the wrong hands.

What Are The Chances Of Getting Your Stolen Phone Back?

The chances of getting back a stolen mobile phone can vary greatly depending on the type of device, where it was taken from and how quickly action is taken.

Generally speaking, if you take swift action and report the theft to the police and get a crime reference number, there is a better chance that your device will be found.

But even with the help of authorities, you may still be faced with a lengthy process to get your device back (and in most cases, chances are slim you'll get it back at all).

Luckily, we offer 12 months of FREE insurance with every phone purchased, covering each refurbished phone in our extensive collection, regardless of its grade, age, or price.

Our mobile phone insurance policy safeguards your device against theft, accidental loss, accidental damage, liquid damage, malicious damage, and even includes £150 accessory cover.

We're the only refurbished phone seller in the UK offering 12-months mobile phone insurance.

Can I Check If My Phone Is Stolen?

Are you considering buying a refurbished phone but are concerned about whether it's stolen?

Don't worry–all phones sold by UR.co.uk are Phonecheck-certified so that you can rest easy you won't be the victim of someone else's misfortune!

Our certification process checks for police stolen property, phones blocked by a network provider, mobile insurance claims, and more.

So while other resellers may give you the runaround for ensuring your phone is legit, we've got you covered.

Buy refurbished phones with confidence when you choose UR.co.uk!

Is Your Phone Really Secure? - 5 Tips for Keeping Your Device Safe

To ensure the safety of our smartphones in this digital age, we must protect them from both virtual and physical threats.

As smartphones contain a lot of valuable personal information, they are a common target for thieves.

Use the following five strategies to keep your phone secure:

  • Utilise solid passwords and/or biometric authentication like fingerprints or facial recognition to restrict access to your phone.

  • Install a GPS-enabled phone tracking app to help locate your phone if it goes missing. Some apps also allow you to lock or erase your phone to protect your data remotely.

  • Use your phone cautiously in public areas, particularly in crowded locations where pickpockets may be lurking.

  • Do not leave your phone unattended or in vulnerable locations. Activate the remote locking and wiping features on your phone, which help secure your data and information in the event of theft.

  • Back up your data frequently to cloud storage facilities such as Google Drive or iCloud. This will aid in efficiently retrieving your files and information if your phone is lost or stolen and also provide an additional layer of security.

4 Tips for Choosing the Right Refurbished Phone with Insurance

Do Your Homework Research different models and features, make a list of must-haves and nice-to-haves
Check the Warranty Refurbished phones from ur come with 12 months of warranty coverage as standard
Select a Reputable Seller We’re rated excellent on Trustpilot, so you can rest assured you’ll get a quality device you can rely on
Don't Forget Insurance

All devices sold by your come complete with 12 months of FREE insurance on top of your warranty coverage.


Check out our range of refurbished iPhones and Samsung Galaxy devices for the best deal guaranteed!


Do I need FREE insurance when I have a 12-month warranty?

Our answer of course you do! why wouldn’t you? It's FREE!

No warranty will cover you for everything. And while you get a 12-month warranty, this only covers you for mechanical breakdowns, and not accidental damage, loss, liquid damage, cracked screens, cracked backs, theft and many other of life's little mysteries.

Phone insurance acts as your safety net, after all, your phone is your everything, your life how can you live without it?

Don’t forget we use them every day for social media, notes, messages, and emails. Many even use their phone for contactless payments - emphasising just how much can be done from handsets these days.

So of course why wouldn’t you want to ensure all of this is fully protected by both a warranty and an insurance policy.

That’s why we have teamed up with Award-winning insurance provider Bastion Insurance to provide our customers with an insurance offering you won't find anywhere else.

Which is safer Android or iPhone?

Both Android and iPhone devices offer reliable protection and various privacy options.

iPhones have an edge when it comes to software updates—they're released regularly, so vulnerabilities are patched quickly.

Android devices may not get regular patches due to their varied nature and manufacturer types.

Nevertheless, Android users can stay secure by implementing layers of security features like biometrics, encryption, and two-factor authentication.

Does mobile phone insurance cover theft?

mobile phone insurance policy from ur includes theft protection. In addition to theft cover, the policy covers accidental loss, damage (accidental, liquid, and malicious) and provides £150 accessory coverage.

However, it excludes deliberate damage, cosmetic wear and tear, unauthorised repairs, unattended thefts, and instances where devices are left unconcealed in public spaces.

Up to two claims per year are allowed with an excess amount of either £75 (value of handsets up to £1000 or £125 (handsets valued over £1000).

What does insurance do when your phone is stolen?

With ur's 12-month free insurance, you're covered for theft, accidental loss, and other damages without having to pay a monthly premium, unlike with other gadget insurance policies.

To make a claim, submit your details and required information. Keep in mind that deliberate damage, cosmetic damage, thefts involving unattended devices and other exclusions apply.

How do I make a claim on my mobile phone insurance policy?

To make a claim on your mobile phone insurance policy, visit the online claim portal, call the Claims team at 03450 744810, or email them at claims@bastioninsurance.co.uk. Our UK-based team will handle the claim process for you.